Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Gotta get a doctor, read books & prepare!

Since deciding to start trying to get pregnant I have envisioned myself working closely with my doctor. She works in a Family Practice and does everything!

This morning I cheerfully called up the doctor's office to give them the good news! There was a hitch doctor no longer deliveries! Crap! They offered for me to do my prenatal with her then switch over to an OB at 36 weeks or I could just go to an OB. Decisions, decisions!

After talking it over with Dad-To-Be we decided it would be best to see the same doctor throughout the pregnancy. Off I went to the local baby board that I joined last night (yep, I couldn't wait!). From there I received some excellent recommendations. After doing a little research online I settled on a doctor. She has excellent ratings all across the board. My comfort level was elevated even more when I called the office and a REAL PERSON answered the phone! Holy cow! I didn't know doctor's office actually answered the phone! LOL!

To my surprise I found out that how far along you are is not determined by your ovulation date but by the date of your last period. I'm SOOOOO clueless! So with that in mind I'm actually 4 weeks along, not 2 like I had thought. Bonus for the people in our lives that have to wait! You'll find out 2 weeks sooner then I thought!

My first appointment will be July 1. That's just an appointment to get everything in order. On July 14 we'll be seeing the doctor and going over whatever it is we go over. Doesn't matter what it is. Even paperwork is exciting at this point!

Since I figured out I'm truly clueless about being pregnant I decided to head to the bookstore. I've always been a good student so reading is the best way to go....right? I picked up "Your Pregnancy Week By Week". I figured I can read along as we go through the pregnancy. Dad-To-Be got the "Dad-To-Be" version of the book I got. Apparently it doesn't go week by week but it does give good information. He has another book to read as well to help him prepare.

I thought I should put a little blurb in here about how I'm feeling. I'm hanging in there. Still in shock. I do feel a little sick but that's been happening since Monday (the day before we tested). I'm not sure if it's nerves or just a little morning sickness. Either way I can keep it under control by eating every couple of hours.

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