Monday, July 21, 2008

Jinxed Myself

The first question everyone asks you when you announce a pregnancy is "how are you feeling". I've been very luck to be able to reply with "great!" Which has all been true....up until last night.

I woke up last night with the most horrible pain on the right side of my face. It feels just like a sinus infection. The only problem is I don't have enough symptoms to go to the doctors. They advised me to take the "wait and see" approach. So I headed home from work early today. I ended up taking a nice long nap and steaming my face a bunch of times. Unfortunately it's not helping. It actually feels like whatever I have is moving down into my neck and ears. So I guess that explains why I've had headaches for the past week or so. I'm probably been fighting this off for a while. I won't let myself suffer too long. It's no fun feeling like this.

In other news - the word is officially out. Family members are all informed and spreading the word. Some are still in shock, some are giddy and some are having a good ol' laugh. Thanks for all the well wishes from everyone. We really appreciate them all!

1 comment:

Christina said...

i hope you feel better!