Monday, August 11, 2008

Hey! How'd that horse get in there!?!

Today we had our second doctor's appointment. When we arrived I was told my regular doctor was out for a delivery. They had me see another doctor. Knowing that they were short handed we were prepared for a long wait. Thankfully it was only a few extra minutes.

Back we went to do the usual pee test (for sugar & protein), blood pressure reading and weight check. The nurse frowned when she took my weight, looked at my chart and said "What's going on with you?" I replied that nothing was going on, I was feeling fine. She told me that I had lost 5 pounds in the last 4 weeks. Ben and I both replied "Great!" she was not as enthusiastic. Basically I was scolded for loosing weight. We didn't think much of the scolding since I spoke with the doctor about loosing weight a long time ago. When there's an issue I'm sure the doctor will let me know.

So into the room we go. Ben fussed with the chair to get comfortable. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention he hurt his back somehow. We didn't have to wait so too long in the room either. In walked the doctor and he proclaimed "We get to hear the heartbeat today!" So after a few minor checks we put the doppler up to my belly. We heard lots of swishing and then it was there. Our baby's heartbeat. It sounds much more like a horse then a heart. To be specific it sounds like the clanking of coconut halves to make a horse sound. We were told the rate was a strong 165.

Next was question and answer time with the doctor. First question came from Ben. Over the weekend and on Monday I felt like I had gas. The only problem was it was different then gas. It was much more of a rolling feeling. So Ben asked if it was possible for me to feel the baby so soon (at 13 and a half weeks specifically). The answer: yes! It's very possible that I can feel the baby! Wow! Just.......Wow! We're not sure if that was it or not but it was noted on my chart.

The next question was about my sugar readings. The doctor was very open with me on his opinions. He asked about my history and told me what his feelings were on my case. He did admit that gestational diabetes was not his specialty but that was his feelings. We were informed that our high risk doctor is very aggressive in treating gestational diabetes. After some more discussion the doctor advised me to go and talk to the high risk doctor. He said if at any time I'm not comfortable with them then we'll look at getting a second opinion. He was very sympathetic to my concerns and told me they were valid concerns to have. Needless to say having a doctor hear me out and validate my feelings made me feel very good. Once again we were very impressed with our doctor's office. It was nice for the doctor to hear out not only me but Ben as well.

Well that's all I have for now. Oh! In case you didn't notice, we're now in the second trimester! Yay! Off to bed for this momma. Baby needs some rest!

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