Thursday, August 7, 2008

Week 13!

Today we start week 13! Woo hoo! Sunday is the start of our second trimester. It's hard to believe it's already been 3 months! The baby is about 3 inches this week or the size of a peach. The eyes and ears are almost to their permanent position (they start out further to the sides).

I have good news on the sugar front. The last few days I've had some awesome readings! I'm very excited about them. I think all of the exercise I've been doing is FINALLY making a difference. I've added walking at lunch everyday and that's been great. Not only is it good for me but I seems to make the day go by a little faster. Getting fresh air is great!

On Tuesday I start my prenatal water aerobics class. I LOVE it!! It doesn't seem all that hard while your working out but boy do you feel it the next day! I can't wait for them to start up the Saturday class!

On the cravings front I've been wanting a Slurpee for about two weeks now. Unfortunately I know that will make my sugar go nuts! I suppose I could get a small one and make Ben drink most of it. LOL! That could be his way of helping.

1 comment:

Christina said...

Great news on the sugar front! I totally had cravings for slurpees like you but always hesitated because there is just too much sugar in those things. I wish they made a "diet" one..